When you purchase from or, you will be required to ACCEPT the End User License Agreement from the licensor.
What exactly am I purchasing?
When you purchase a Sampling CD, Virtual Instrument, or download sound samples and/or software from or, you are NOT obtaining OWNERSHIP of the sound samples - you are in fact purchasing a LICENSE to use the sound samples and/or software within your musical compositions, whether or not your compositions are released commercially. The original producer of the sound samples and/or software will always retain OWNERSHIP of the sound samples and/or software.
How can I use the sound samples and/or software?
You may use the sound samples and/or software in combination with other sounds within your musical compositions. You may release such compositions commercially (see below regarding Not For Resale [NFR] use), without payment of any further fees or royalties for such usage. For example, if you are the original purchaser of a Sampling CD, Virtual Instrument, or download sound samples and/or software from or internet sites, and you use the sound samples to create, or partially create, the soundtrack of a television commercial or a track on a music CD; regardless of how many CDs are sold or how many times the television commercial is broadcast, you would never have to pay the producer of the sound samples any additional royalties or license fees, because you already purchased a license to use the sound samples commercially indefinitely.
What can't I use the sounds for?
You cannot use the sounds in isolation (i.e. when they are not used within musical compositions) as part of a commercially released project. For example, you cannot use the sounds to make another Sample CD, Virtual Instrument, or include them as individual sound samples on a multimedia CD, CD-ROM, DVD, gaming machine, or toy, that is commercially distributed. You must add substantial instrumentation to any loops* (*loops are compositions that contain a combination of sound samples that can be repeated to form a continuous piece of music). You cannot upload or download the sound samples and/or software to any database or server, unless they are used in a musical composition (in combination with other sounds) created by you.
Music or Production Library Use
If you are a music or production library composer/producer using 'loops' (compositions that contain a combination of sound samples that can be repeated to form a continuous piece of music), the following terms apply -
- Loops must be used in a musical context with at least two other instruments that contribute significantly to the composition.
- The entire loop cannot be left exposed at any time in the composition.
- If you have any doubts a composition meets this criteria, you may submit your track to for written approval. (Please do not send audio or MP3 files, send us a link to your composition on your web server.)
NOTE: The exception to this restriction is 'multi-sampled instruments', where users play all of the notes (for example, a multi-sampled piano library).
Not For Resale Use Not For Resale (NFR) licensed versions cannot be used for any commercial purpose unless permission is granted in writing by the licensor. A commercial purpose is any revenue generating activity that includes the use of the sound samples and/or software. NOTE: These license terms apply to all EastWest, EastWest/Quantum Leap, and Quantum Leap products. For all other third party products, please review the license terms published by each licensor. If you are in any doubt about any license terms, please send an email to
Who else can use the sounds on the media that I have purchased?
Nobody, unless they also purchased the same Sample CD, Virtual Instrument, or downloaded the same sound samples. Only the ORIGINAL PURCHASER has the right to use the sound samples and/or software. This means you CANNOT SELL or give the sound samples and/or software to anyone else. If you do, and they use the sound samples and/or software within a commercial release, they, or anyone associated with the distribution of the music, may face legal action from the licensor of the sound samples and/or software. There are significant financial penalties for illegal use, and a conviction will most likely ruin the reputation and future job prospects of the composer. It is simply not worth using the sounds 'illegally'.
Can I sell my Sample CD/Virtual Instrument and/or Software to someone else?
No, the license you are purchasing is NOT TRANSFERABLE at any time. Use of an 'illegally' sold copy may result in legal action from the licensor of the sound samples and/or software. For this reason we caution our customers not to purchase copies of our sound samples and /or software from 'online auctions' or 'trading sites', as these are often illegal copies in violation of the End User License Agreement.
Do I have to credit the use of the sound samples on my CD sleeve, credits, etc?
In most cases this is not required, but is always appreciated (you would credit any musician that played on your track, wouldn't you?).
If you have any other questions about usage or licensing, please contact us at